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Anyone who struggles with being overweight knows that it is more than just a matter of appearance. Being overweight affects the way you feel, how much energy you have, and your overall health. There are several serious health conditions linked to obesity, including heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer. The bones and soft tissue that make up the musculoskeletal system are also vulnerable. Joints in particular are compromised when too much body weight places a greater force on them than they’re designed to handle. When the musculoskeletal system is compromised, the body is no longer able to perform as efficiently.

As a result, being overweight can cause an increased risk of musculoskeletal problems such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Joint Failure
  • Back Pain
  • Lower Limb Pain
  • Loss of Mobility

The Impact of Body Weight on Joints

Joint stress is a serious concern for people who suffer from osteoarthritis. The normal wear-and-tear that occurs in the joints diminishes their protective cushioning and leads to pain and loss of range-of-motion and/or mobility. In addition, the pressure caused by excess weight is greater than the actual number of pounds. For example, one pound of excess body weight causes four pounds of stress on knee joints. As a result, people with osteoarthritis of the knee can experience much more severe symptoms just from being a few pounds overweight. On the plus side, losing just a few pounds of weight can have a very positive impact on the condition of your joints.

A Different Perspective for Overweight Patients

People who are obese are not the only ones putting their musculoskeletal system at risk. Any degree of excess body weight will put more stress on the joints and supportive tissues that keep the body in motion. Although being ten pounds overweight may not seem like a big deal, think about the difference in difficulty you have carrying a bag of groceries up the steps or a basket of laundry down the stairs in comparison to walking freely without the load. Only a few pounds can change your posture and biomechanics, making a difference in your ability to go up a step or to walk for a longer distance.

Another way to gain perspective for how a few pounds of body weight can impact your frame is to carry a ten pound weight with you through your normal activities. For people who are obese or highly obese, the amount of excess weight they are carrying might be an amount they are not even able to lift! These pounds are exerting stress on the bones and joints all over your body all the time.

Losing weight is never easy, but it is worth the effort to improve your musculoskeletal health and prevent the pain excess pounds can cause. Talk to your chiropractor about safe, healthy ways to lose weight and see what a difference your efforts can make!

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