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Pain Medications Pico Rivera Doctor Reveals

Pain Medications Pico Rivera Doctor Reveals

  • 1,000 capsules of Tylenol in a lifetime doubles the risk of end stage renal disease.
    (New England Journal of Medicine, 1994)
  • Regular use of Tylenol is a top cause of liver disease.
    (New England Journal of Medicine, 1997)
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID) for the pain of rheumatoid and/or osteoarthritis conservatively causes 16,500 Americans to bleed to death each year, making that the 15th most common cause of death in the US.
    (New England Journal of Medicine, 1999)
  • The intestinal toxicity induced by NSAID pain medicines is one of the most common serious adverse drug events in the industrialized world.
    (Spine, 2003)
    (Surgical Neurology, 2006)
  • Tylenol doubles the risk of high blood pressure.
    (Hypertension, 2005)
  • The prescription pain medicine Celebrex increases intestinal bleeding by 398%. The prescription pain medicine Vioxx increases the risk of intestinal bleeding by 328%. Traditional pain medicines increase the risk of intestinal bleeding by 138%.
    (Drug Safety, 2009)
  • All nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) pain medicine increases the risk of a heart attack by about 40%, and that pain risk starts with the very first day the drug is taken.
    (European Heart Journal, 2006)
  • The prescription pain medicine Vioxx was pulled off the market in 2004 because it increased the risk of heart attack by 230%. The prescription pain medicine Celebrex increased the risk of heart attack by 44%, while traditional pain medicines increased the risk of heart attack by 47%, and consequently they were allowed to remain on the market.
    (Drug Safety, 2009)
  • Those who consumed the highest amounts of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medicines (NSAIDs) increased their risk of dementia, including Alzheimer’s dementia, by 66%.
    (Neurology, 2009)
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